A review by bookishlynomes
Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross


This book... This freaking book... Yes!

I cannot begin to put into words how big my heart-eyes were while reading this freaking book. Juliette Cross is an absolute magical being with how much heart and soul, and sheer love she put into this book. I felt it all with every word.

Livvy Savoie is a beautiful, badass witch on a mission. The mission? To win the public relations contest she's entered, promote her public relations services, and bring forth positive change to the magical world. The only thing in her way is her attractively broody teammate and fellow competitor in said contest, Gareth Blackwater.

Gareth is a Grim, an incredibly powerful mystical being few (including other supernaturals) know anything about. More so, he's a Grimlock--an even more rare designation within the Grim community. I won't say too much about Grims' abilities--you'll have to read this series yourself to find out--but I was far from disappointed. I've always been intrigued and drawn to anything grim reaper-related when it comes to paranormal fiction and so I knew this was going to be the book for me (though, I'm still anxiously awaiting Henry and Clara's book!). Gareth was just as deliciously dominant as he was soulful and sweet, and Livvy enjoyed every minute of his seduction. They couldn't have been more perfect for each other.

I enjoyed that we got to see more of the actual contest they were participating in as it gave further depth to how they related to other supernaturals within the community and how their budding relationship was impacted by working together side-by-side all day long. Additionally, we got to see more of the Savoie sisters, their respective (and potential) partners, and various beloved family and friends.

Fun fact: The men's game night scene officially lives rent-free in my head.

Overall, Always Practice Safe Hex has been one of my favourite reads this year and the entire Stay a Spell series is one I will gladly re-read many times over. My only gripe is how long it's going to feel waiting on the next book. I am beyond ready for Jules and Ruben to get together. That hint about Ruben's plans to rekindle their relationship has me on the edge of my seat! As for Henry and Clara, I have been waiting for their book since they were first introduced in Wolf Gone Wild (Stay a Spell #1). More of Clara's personality was revealed in Always Practice Safe Hex, and Henry has no idea what's coming his way but I guarantee he's going to love it!

Merged review:

This book... This freaking book... Yes!

I cannot begin to put into words how big my heart-eyes were while reading this freaking book. Juliette Cross is an absolute magical being with how much heart and soul, and sheer love she put into this book. I felt it all with every word.

Livvy Savoie is a beautiful, badass witch on a mission. The mission? To win the public relations contest she's entered, promote her public relations services, and bring forth positive change to the magical world. The only thing in her way is her attractively broody teammate and fellow competitor in said contest, Gareth Blackwater.

Gareth is a Grim, an incredibly powerful mystical being few (including other supernaturals) know anything about. More so, he's a Grimlock--an even more rare designation within the Grim community. I won't say too much about Grims' abilities--you'll have to read this series yourself to find out--but I was far from disappointed. I've always been intrigued and drawn to anything grim reaper-related when it comes to paranormal fiction and so I knew this was going to be the book for me (though, I'm still anxiously awaiting Henry and Clara's book!). Gareth was just as deliciously dominant as he was soulful and sweet, and Livvy enjoyed every minute of his seduction. They couldn't have been more perfect for each other.

I enjoyed that we got to see more of the actual contest they were participating in as it gave further depth to how they related to other supernaturals within the community and how their budding relationship was impacted by working together side-by-side all day long. Additionally, we got to see more of the Savoie sisters, their respective (and potential) partners, and various beloved family and friends.

Fun fact: The men's game night scene officially lives rent-free in my head.

Overall, Always Practice Safe Hex has been one of my favourite reads this year and the entire Stay a Spell series is one I will gladly re-read many times over. My only gripe is how long it's going to feel waiting on the next book. I am beyond ready for Jules and Ruben to get together. That hint about Ruben's plans to rekindle their relationship has me on the edge of my seat! As for Henry and Clara, I have been waiting for their book since they were first introduced in Wolf Gone Wild (Stay a Spell #1). More of Clara's personality was revealed in Always Practice Safe Hex, and Henry has no idea what's coming his way but I guarantee he's going to love it!