A review by miakeepsreading
The Words, by Ashley Jade


i kept seeing snippets of this book on instagram and despite having.. a rough relationship with this author’s work, I decided to give it a chance. Yes, the snippets were that good.
The book started off so strong and then it just went downhill, holy f***k.

First and foremost, I hate a music snob. I hate books where characters think that Rock music is the only kind of music. Where they berate any other kind of music and they just wish they were born in an older generation when there was Real Music. Metallica couldn’t have composed the masterpiece that is Daddy Yankee’s “Gasolina”. Please.

It eventually became soooo cliche and so irritating. I know author’s sometimes italicize lines that are supposed to be memorable, impactful, deep or whatever the hell. But this author italicized so many fake deep lines that I just got so irritated.

I completely understand why Lennon was upset - she had every right to be but my god. Speak up. Like really speak up. She just whined and whined and italicized. Also, I’m sick of this whole “traitorous” body BS. It seems that heroines bodies and minds are never in sync. Eyeroll.

Also! What is with this trope where the supposed nice guy turns uncharacteristically cruel later on - forcing the H to step in and Fix Things. A heroine can simply just stop liking the second or potential love interest for a myriad of reasons. Or no real reason at all. They don’t always have to turn into absolute jackasses.

The book had SO much potential but it just fell soo flat. I really sat through however many pages just to get THAT kind of ending. I thought it was a joke. I kept flipping the pages waiting for the “Lol just kidding”. If you’re gonna drag out a book, at least do it well. I suppose she’s setting the stage up for the secondary characters to get their own book and maybe things will be explained then but to have us read x amount of pages and familiar and overdone tropes just to end the book that way was downright cruel.

It’s getting 2 stars as opposed to 1 only because the beginning was solid.