A review by slumberbee
The Republic by Plato


An important read that really makes you think about the problems and the advantages of our current society through its exploration of what would make up the perfect state and who would be a part of it. You can really appreciate how modern some of the ideas being bandied about in this dialogue actually are, though they remain mixed in with some more classical approaches and some crazier ones. Every page felt like a building block on the logic of the last, and so you could easily follow the journey Plato’s Socrates took to reach his final perfect state.

All in all, Plato’s Republic was an insightful journey into politics of the state, and I found it very easy to follow along with the arguments at play. The introduction of Plato’s theory of “Forms” was the only part at which I had to seriously engage my brain to understand what he was on about, but it was a new way of looking at the world and knowledge itself which I found quite intriguing.