A review by annica_reads_books
Take by Pam Godwin


[b:Take|43607870|Take (Deliver #5)|Pam Godwin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1551601750l/43607870._SY75_.jpg|59819761] is book 5 in [a:Pam Godwin|6474204|Pam Godwin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1545404751p2/6474204.jpg]'s Deliver series and cannot be read as a standalone. You must read the previous 4 books in the series for this book to make sense. The reader has met the two protagonists in this book in previous books, and one of them was a villain in a previous book! (Also, if you plan to read Pam Godwin's "Tangled Lies" series without spoilers, you need to read that series before you read this book).

I was incredibly intrigued about how I would like one particular character as I started to read this book. That character was a villain previously in another book in the series and did some incredibly horrible, irredeemable things to other characters.

I won't spoil the story for others, but seeing the two protagonists interact with each other was a really great time for me. I went into the book assuming I wouldn't like a character, and while I wouldn't really want to meet them on the street in real life, I found myself having empathy towards them and their past.

The MMC in this book was also one of the kinkiest characters I have ever read about - ever! I also feel like that's saying something. I read a lot of dark romance!

This book was amazing, and I enjoyed reading it from start to finish!