A review by kirabug
Corpus: A comic anthology of bodily ailments by Nadia Shammas


Corpus is a book of stories by people whose health isn't perfect.

Frankly, that's all of us -- if not today, than someday.

Body shenanigans range from the annoying to the profound disability, from the terminal or deadly to the "oh god this again, I just want to go to the store". Around 17% of people in the United States self-report a disability (which means the number is higher) and body shenanigans, whether formally disabilities or not, affect a much higher percentage of us than we want to talk about.

And, at least in the United States, the last few years have been filled with political, public discourse, (and in my case personal) health crises of such proportion that frankly, I'm surprised I'm sitting here to write about it.

But that's why this book is excellent and that's why it's important. We are all human, and one of the things that makes us all human is the annoying, frustrating, sometimes horrible ways in which our bodies break down, act weird, create what shouldn't be created, destroy what shouldn't be destroyed, and expect us to persevere regardless.

Humanizing body shenanigans brings us together.

We need to talk more about health.

This book opens the door to having conversations about what we're all going through, and reminds us that no matter how small or large the problem, we're in it together.

Great thanks to the editor, Nadia Shammas, for putting it together, and I hope there will be many sequels to come.