A review by mlklein1
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan


The second in a longer series, Avempartha delivered for me. Sullivan is an excellent story teller - he weaves intricate tales and by the end you realize he's given you all the pieces if you were paying attention. Yet he still manages to surprise. Some of the artful pieces stretched across this entire book - others go back into the first book in the series, The Crown Conspiracy.

One thing Michael did in Avempartha that I am really in awe of was creating a new, dispicable villain. I'm not talking about the beast - sure that's scary and well developed, no I'm talking about a human character introduced in this novel who absolutely made my skin crawl every time he appeared. He wasn't overdone like a badly written Hollywood villain; he was just the right mixture of menace, ability, and mystery. I won't say anything more about him b/c I don't want to spoil the book, but I think I may have actually hissed out loud every time his name appeared.

A very enjoyable, quick, and exciting read. I'm looking forward to the next book in the installment - out this Fall as I understand.