A review by theresidentbookworm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #10 by Dan Mora, Raúl Angulo, Jordie Bellaire


My Thoughts On: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #10

1. I too relate with Robin's feeling that nothing he's currently doing matters in the larger scheme of the world. His feeling is probably worse considering he lives on an open Hellmouth, but still.

2. Kendra calling Robin Mr. Wood is the best. I love that, even in this version, Kendra is always going to be oddly formal with everyone.

3. Cordelia's social media updates on the way to school, while annoying, also show that she's not an airhead. Our Cordy would probably have a great Instagram and maybe even a fun Twitter.

Spoiler Wtf, Cordelia! You NEVER go help some dude by yourself. Stranger danger!

5. Okay, something is really wrong with Giles, and as they argue I think it's wrong with Robin too. They're both weirdly angry and intense. I mean, there's always going to be conflict between these two because they're Watchers with conflicting management styles.

6. Again, Robin is being really aggressive to people who aren't being that mean or aggressive to him. Something from the Hellmouth is now affecting him too. It's not to say that Robin doesn't have some valuable points in his speech, but he just seems off.

7. God bless Xander for doing his best to be there for his friend post-break-up but not really knowing what the right thing to say is. I'm giving him an A for effort.

8. It's interesting that this issue suddenly shifts to Rose's perspective. She's been mainly a peripheral character so far, and so this might signal her having a bigger role in the series going forward. Also, that tattoo on her wrist will be important eventually. Mark my words.

Spoiler Who the hell is this dude who kidnapped Cordelia? Is he a Sunnydale student? Why was Rose going to his house? Is the Hellmouth affecting him too?
I'm so confused by all of this.

10. Yes, Kendra and Robin for the save!