A review by lilyzzz
Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny


I have a question that I'm hoping someone could help me answer since I don't think it was explained clearly whatsoever.


Throughout the book, Gamanche has multiple flashbacks to the raid where he beats himself up for making the wrong turn and running out of time before getting to Agent Morin. In fact, the mistake wastes precious seconds and makes the "bomb" count down to 0 when Gamanche and his agents finally find Morin. BUT... when they arrive they discover there never was a bomb in the first place and a giant shootout occurs. I'm assuming that Morin, still tied up to a chair, died during the ensuing shootout. So why does Gamanche always go back to how he made a mistake and turned down the wrong hallway? If there was no bomb in the first place, wouldn't Morin have died from being caught in the crossfire no matter when Gamanche broke down the door to find him? This really doesn't make sense...