A review by glennisleblanc
Operation Arcana by John Joseph Adams, Tobias S. Buckell, Tanya Huff, Linda Nagata, Jonathan Maberry, Weston Ochse, Myke Cole, T.C. McCarthy, Carrie Vaughn, Django Wexler, Simon R. Green, Genevieve Valentine, Elizabeth Moon, David Klecha, Seanan McGuire, Yoon Ha Lee, Ari Marmell, Glen Cook


I like themed anthologies and for the most part they normally work pretty well and this one was no exception. John Joseph Adams always puts together strong collections and this one is no exception. Of course I didn’t like every story but I have to think long and hard if there was a collection that had at least a few stories that didn’t do it for me. Several of the contributing writers wrote stories in a known universe but I think I liked the ones that seemed to be in all new settings. Several of the writers were new to me and now I’ll have to keep my eyes open for them. The stories in the collection all deal with war either in a fantasy setting or in a more modern setting but the thread that ties them all together is war with some form of magic use. You get setting going from high fantasy up to modern times but all of them deal with some part of fighting. I’ll be looking back at this collection when it comes to Jan 2016 to work on my Hugo ballot.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley