A review by savii
The Awakening by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham, Caroline Peckham


0.5 star
(goodreads i'm begging you to introduce a half-point based rating system because shit like this deserves less than 1 star)

what the actual fuck? i guess congratulations to caroline peckham are in order, because 'the awakening' is officially, the worst book i've ever read in my life.

i'm not disappointed in the author for writing such a shitty book- one with missing punctuations, glaring mistakes and plot holes the size of Jupiter, because i've been let down too many times to get my hopes up in the first place.

i have never seen a book so degrading towards the main leads; they are constantly abused- emotionally, mentally and physically. it got off-putting to read after a point because they never used their powers to stand up for themselves. it would've been okay if they'd stood up for themselves atleast once.

every character in this book is stupid. the girls are straight up bimbos who will lust for any muscular asshole within their eyesight. NONE of the girls have any self-respect, which was honestly humiliating for me to read. they are willing to bring other women down just to get the attention of stupid men with fragile egos like the Heirs.

coming to the Heirs, what the fuck was so special about them? they have nothing going for them aside from being ripped. i felt no attraction to any of them- looking like mini hulk is doing nothing for me. you've got to have some personality as a bare minimum.

*screams with frustration*

nah, i'm out. definitely not reading this series any further.
on second thoughts, i think i'll give the second book a try because the characters may be shit but the setting is...kinda cool. plus i need some fights and gore.