A review by ark99
Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard


~I received an arc from netgalley~
This was interesting! This had really great worldbuilding and I really liked the characters and how the characters interacted with each other I loved the dialogue, especially Corayne's she had this very dry humor, like bad stuff happens and she's just like 'well okay then'. I also liked how Aveyard made the "main character" not this all powerful being, because really, she's just a teenager and I think that sometimes that's important in YA books, because yes you should think that you can be a powerful person as a teen, but it's also important to know that nobody starts out that way, so this novel really showed her grow as a person.

This book was, however, really hard to get into. There is such a big info dump at the beginning and it really made me not want to read the book, honestly. I also think the multiple points of view were also incredibly confusing at times, like some of the points of view started off and I'm like confused as to what is going on and who's point of view it is, like I just feel like I wasn't introduced to the characters well enough. Towards the end of the book, I did end up figuring out who and what was going on but it took a while because there was this massive info dump.

So while the worldbuilding was great, I think the characters could've been explained a bit more, there was just so much info being put in my brain that I couldn't actually figure out what was actually going on in the plot. I think if I reread this, I might understand it a bit better, but just from that first read, it was a bit hard to understand everything going on in the book. And this might just be how I read books, someone else might understand the book perfectly! The book itself is just very dense in information.