A review by vallows
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell


I Really liked the book, loved simon so much, his growth and him just processing things and trying, as always loved Baz, 'cause I love him so much. And I actually really enjoyed pen and Sheppard, she's really good and he's so nice.

I loved the whole interactions between Simon and Baz, and how they were working through the book.

But, agatha plot was tiring, there were some moments when I felt like I was starting to like her then she has to be bitchy about something or annoying, also her chapters felt like pauses and I honestly just wanted to pass them in a lot of moments.
It annoys me a bit that the whole thing of vampires is like put to the side, but whatever, it's okay, and sometimes the plot was feeling a bit tiring and that I was more interested in the characters, but it ended being nice.
I'm happy with this book and how it develops the trio of Simon, Baz and Pennelope, but also how it introduces a lot more to Sheppard and makes him such a likeable character. The way that it shows the trauma that they have and how they keep going.