A review by devin_magreyn
Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare


- Accidentally deleted from shelves, reposting review -

Where do I even begin? All I can say is wow. This blue absolutely blew me away!

To begin with, I found this book to be a lot more enjoyable than Chain of Gold. While this one took its time getting into the main focus of the story, like COG did, it was done a lot better. Before we got into the main plot the story was being driven by the characters in a very well done way. The story felt slow, but it was going by so fast. I'm not sure if that makes sense but that is how it felt to me.

Regarding the characters, I truly love them all. Cordelia, James, Lucie, Matthew, Thomas, Christopher, Anna, Alistair, Ariadne... I love them all so much! They are all written so splendidly! I never once dread any of their POVs, instead I look forward to what will come from them. Lucie and Thomas were my favorites in this book. Seeing some development on Thomas and a possible relationship with someone in the next book has got me all excited! As for Lucie, I am extremely excited to see how Chain of Thorns will revolve around her as it seems she will now finally play a bigger role. I can't help but wonder if after what she did in this book that Belial will take more of an interest in her. Either way I just want Lucie to be happy in the end. I want everyone to be happy!

Now as for Grace... I disliked her in COG as I'm sure many other people did. However, this book has really changed my view on her. Thanks to getting some backstory on her and seeing how Tatiana treats her I can finally understand why she is the way she is and her motives and actions. It all makes sense now. Also Grace and Christopher ship incoming? Hello? I will not lie, I am on board for that. I can only hope that in Chain of Thorns Grace will play a predominant role (she is on the cover after all in the third book) and that she will have some sort of redemption or hero moment.

That's all I really have left to say about Chain of Iron. I am super excited to read COT next, but also I am sad that this series will be coming to an end. I think this may be my favorite Cassandra Clare series so far, with TID being in second. Is it the characters? The story? The time period that makes me love these two series so much? Who knows, but I look forward to the epic conclusion!