A review by juliannealkire
Annabel Lee by


I am an educated girl. At one point along this education journey I had declared myself to be an English major. And I would have been, too- heaven knows I was tired of my own indecisiveness- except for one deep, dark secret:

There are notable authors I just plain don't like.

The foremost among them is Edgar Alan Poe. The creator of my favorite genre, mystery, somehow managed to make my neck tingle at the thought of his name after one (yes, uno) assigned reading- "The Fall of the House of Usher." Upon reflection, that story was not the most believable, nor is it clear that the creepiest parts were meant as more than symbolism. Still, the tingle remains. Except for "The Raven" and "The Gold Bug," which were also assigned, I haven't read any Poe since. And since I'm no longer an English major, I intend to keep it that way.

So... when my mom recommended this book, I was dubious, to say the least.

Here's a life lesson that my education should have taught me long before now: you always listen to your mother. Especially when she shares your love of mysteries and spy thrillers and is giving you a book recommendation.

So here I am, talking about my dislike of Poe and the amazingness of my mother in a probably incoherent review at 12:03 a.m. because I just finished reading and I really really really really really love this book. (And yes, I just used "really" five times at the end of an already lengthy sentence. All y'all style cops need to chill out.)

Where Poe is melodramatic, this book is realistic. (Well, as realistic as a spy novel can be...) Poe speaks of women as beautiful objects, the destruction if which is the most sublime tragedy. This book portrays them as not only beautiful but also strong and very human. And while it is gruesome at times, it's not gloomy. That's my favorite part.

What I'm trying to say with these many words is this: If you don't like Poe, don't be scared. This book is still wonderful. If you do, WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING MY REVIEW WHEN YOU COULD BE READING THIS BOOK?!? GO GET IT NOW!!! Okay bye.