A review by thebobsphere
The Complete Buddy Bradley Stories from Hate Comics, Vol. 1: Buddy Does Seattle, 1990-1994 by Everett True, Peter Bagge


I am a generation Xer - I was born in 1978, survived the 80's and came of age during the fag end of Grunge and straight into the jubilant optimism of Britpop. So yeah I wore flannels, looked mopey and had a slacker attitude - however since my generation was exposed to new learning techniques where we could express ourselves artistically, we were creative, no denying that. We were exposed to Muppets, Jim Henson's storyteller, Sesame street thought us basic alphabet. We had Ren and Stimpy, Simpsons and then grew older with the equally creative South Park AND still lived on a diet of Looney Tunes on a 24hour cartoon channel, hell Generation X grew up with the cartoon renaissance . Of course we had sparks of nutty creativity.

The great thing about Bragg's Buddy comics was that it reflected the same thing. I know EXACTLY what Buddy and his loser friends are going through cause we witnessed that! So forget about sociological books about the early 90's slacker culture - Buddy does Seattle is the real thing.