A review by invisibleninjacat
Dream London by Tony Ballantyne


The writing was fine, but there author made a lot of boring choices when it came to choosing how to change London into Dream London. In a book where Dream London literally warps reality so that buildings move and grow daily and an orange frog the size of a person comes to Dream London to learn how to be human, nearly every woman is a whore, a housewife, or a mother. He could have made literally any other decision (women transforming into trees, into statisticians, into anything really), and he chose that. Non-white characters are explicitly being reduced to stereotypes of their cultures. Further, the main character is a pimp who claims he isn't really, who naturally avoided dishonorable discharge for being involved with his commander's daughter, and who might be involved with underage girls. And he's presented as a hero/anti-hero of Dream London. Really?