A review by wildflowerz76
Deadtown by Nancy Holzner


This one found it's way onto my to-read list from the review of an online friend. It sounded interesting, so I stuck it on my Amazon list and didn't think a whole lot else about it. I'd never heard of the author or series before, so usually in that case, it goes on my list of books to look for at the used book store. It stayed on that list for a long time and I never found it that way. Eventually, in one of my Cmas orders, I couldn't wait any longer and got it. I'm glad I did.

As I've said before, I used to be heavily into the supernatural genre, but have gotten out of it for a while. In the past couple of years, most of the ones I've tried that didn't belong to series I was already reading sucked. So consequently, I haven't tried as many. I'm glad I did read this one. I liked the alternate reality and overall liked the heroine, though she did frustrate me in some instances. I didn't really see the attraction of Kane, but whatever. I'll definitely put more of this series on my Wish List and hopefully get to them quicker than it took for me to get to this one!