A review by theeditorreads
Blown Away by Brenda Rothert


Drew McGovern works at a salon and is anxiously waiting for a word from her fiancé Colby Harrington who's out chasing storms. They're to marry in six weeks when she and her younger siblings would finally be free of their mother who could care less about them.

Aiden O’Neal and Colby were the best of friends, working together before an unfortunate accident took his life. It's been a year since he died and with Drew joining their team of storm chasers, he doesn't know how to keep his feelings for her hidden anymore.

Narrated in the first person from a dual perspective, this one starts on a grieving note. The real story starts one year later though when Drew decides to join Colby's storm chasing team. And that is when she starts noticing Aiden and her attraction to him.

I am not usually enamoured by stories which have the ghost of the dead fianceé hanging over the romantic couple. Such stories have to be written with great care and I think [a:Brenda Rothert|7010859|Brenda Rothert|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1503955819p2/7010859.jpg] did just that. This was a second chance story in a way, for Drew. And for Aiden too, which led him to hope that he too deserved a good life.

This is my first read of the author's, a re-release. The story felt like home. I didn't know a thing about storm chasing and it was a wonderful reading experience, an adventure as well as a romance. And did I not mention hot? Well, it was. Quite erotic in parts, but a beautiful romance nonetheless.

The storm chasing team led by Murph had Millie, Tex, Aiden, Colby and one year later, Drew in place of Colby. I loved Tex's loud mouth and Millie's charm and Murph's awkwardness. The story rounded off nicely and the epilogue ten years down the lane was great! So much warmth and love.

Thank you to InkSlinger PR for an e-ARC of the book.

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Shaina's Musings