A review by momwithareadingproblem
A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe


I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

A Mortal Song
by Megan Crewe is an impressive tale that blends Japanese mythology with that of the urban world. Sora is the daughter of the kami rulers at Mt. Fuji. She’s been sheltered, loved and immersed in their beliefs. When a demon with an army of ghosts overruns the palace on Sora’s 17th birthday, she escapes with her best friend and loyal guard Takeo, but as she leaves Mt. Fuji behind her powers dissipate and she finds out the world she loves is not the world she belongs to.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I’ve always enjoyed a good urban fantasy, but Crewe blends her story with Japanese mythology and I LOVED this element. It brought a magical quality to the story that many urban fantasies lack. Sora is a character that is easily relatable and my heart broke for her over and over again. She’s strong, dedicated, and loyal yet flawed and insecure tying the human world with that of the kami’s perfectly.

The plot is fairly simple. Sora with Takeo and some new found friends must find a way to save the kami from the demon before Fuji erupts. I liked that the plot was easy to follow as I’m unfamiliar with the mythology present in the story. I decided to spend some time on my own researching while I read, though this is NOT necessary, the author just peaked my interest. There is plenty of action and problems along the way to move the story forward. The fight scenes with the ghosts were particularly interesting. They are well written and it was easy to picture it in my mind as a fluid scene while reading.

Overall I really enjoyed Sora’s story. It’s a standalone, which is hard to find these days. Featuring plenty of action, suspense with each rumble from Fuji, and even a little romance, I highly recommend it!