A review by meezcarrie
Just Let Go by Courtney Walsh


4.5 stars

“Sometimes, Quinn, we have to get out of our comfort zone in order to see what else God has for us.”

Oh how I love Courtney Walsh’s novels, and Just Let Go is one of my new faves! Authentically flawed (even the Christians – gasp!), real characters whose weekly brunch you absolutely want to crash, people you want to hang out with as friends. A quaint town with shops you want to visit and a Winter Carnival you’re itching to attend. A gentle-but-convicting (and not preachy) message about letting go of our illusion of control and placing our lives in God’s hands.

Has anyone claimed Grady as their next book boyfriend yet? Because if not, I call dibs. He’s swoony and endearing and flirty, and his ‘devil-may-care-bad-boy’ facade masks the vulnerability and inadequacy that’s been building in his heart for a long while. He’s the antithesis of the “typical” (whatever that means) “Christian” hero, but there is something in him that is completely lovable. Especially when he begins to allow God in. And he’s the perfect counterpart for Quinn’s predictable, no-risks personality – a wall she’s built around her own vulnerability and hurt. Together, these two just may break down each other’s walls – if they don’t kill each other first! Cue some fabulously delightful Grady-has-fun-riling-Quinn scenes and a sizzling kiss or two (or three or… ) and I’m all a-swoon. Especially as the cracks in each facade begin to widen and crumble – Walsh does a wonderful job with their conversations as they slowly open up to one another, perhaps as they never have anyone else. So tender.

I loved the cast of secondary characters as much as I loved Grady and Quinn, especially Gus (her dad) and his gang of friends. What a solid group of people that bring humor and heart to the story, exactly where and when it’s most needed. The importance of community is portrayed so beautifully here.

And oh how I can relate to Quinn, at least on some levels. I know what it’s like to avoid risks, to stick to the predictable. But I also know how life begins when you step outside of that tightly-held comfort zone and let God do His thing. Grady and Quinn both have control issues – and they both need to learn how to surrender that to the only One who is really in control. I loved that Walsh allowed Quinn – a Christian – to struggle with this element of faith. Because I’ve certainly been there, and I enjoy seeing characters who mirror my own battles , not just the more obvious ones that Grady faced. The ones that may not show up in a reckless lifestyle… just the opposite in fact … but are just as detrimental to our souls.

Bottom Line: Courtney Walsh has once again delivered a smartly-written romance with humor, a little heat, and a lot of heart. Her characters come alive on the page, and her message of letting go is organically woven into the story and touching. Swoonilicious kisses, grin-inducing flirting, and some truly romantic moments make this a must-read, and I wasn’t quite ready for it to end when it did. More, please!!! Perfect for fans of Becky Wade and Melissa Tagg, make sure this series is on your TBR pile!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower