A review by jaironside
Shadowed By Despair by Candace Robinson


ARC received from the author in exchange for an honest review

The Laith trilogy comes full circle in this dark adventure/ horror conclusion. Perrin is on a mission to become more than a monster and Tavarra, who used to be one, is out to help him. This was a very different kind of dark fantasy and an unusual romance. One thing that's very noticeable about Robinson's work is that she clearly sees the world slightly skewed from the norm. It makes all her stories both charming and unsettling - a rare talent! I loved the way this conclusion engaged with the theme of what truly makes a person monstrous (spoiler alert, it isn't what you are but what you choose to be.) This was an engaging adventure, fast paced enough that I read it in one sitting. If you're looking for something that's part horror, part fantasy and part romance, I highly recommend this entire series.