A review by caitirin
Is He or Isn't He? by John Hall


This was another uncorrected proof that I'm reviewing for Harper Collins Teen First Look Program.

The story is about two best friends Paige and Anthony who have crushes on the new boy at school. They both want to date him, but before they can they have to find out: Is he or isn't he?

This was a terrible book. The characters were inflated stereotypes. Anthony was over the top campy drama queen with few chances for real character development. Paige had a bit more development through having conflicts with her mother, but still felt unrealistic, especially in her arguments with another character Paolo.

The plot of the book was very predictable and lackluster. If this had been a book about two girls who wanted to date the same boy it would have never been published. The characters behave in completely predictable and stereotypical ways. Scenes in which Paige ruminates on Anthony's perfect gaydar and how everyone gay can instantly tell when someone else is gay were poorly thought out and almost insulting.

The handling of sexuality was unrealistic as well. Sometimes a book can be enjoyable and be totally ridiculous but this book failed to deliver. About half way through the book you can already predict how the book will end and I have a hard time imagining that even the younger audience that this book is intended for will not see the resolution coming a mile away.

This might have been a decent episode on a teeny bop television show, but as a YA novel it was pretty poor. I don't recommend it to anyone.