A review by wildflowerz76
Enchantment by Charlotte Abel


Gym Reading, aka free or super cheap on the Kindle.

I'm honestly not sure how I got through this book. The beginning started out okay, but I loathed all the characters. Channy and Josh were both EXTREMELY immature for their ages. I get the raging hormone thing, but this went way beyond that. They continually made asinine decisions that even the thickest teenager would have avoided. They were constantly jealous of each other (which I get), but acting on it in the most extreme of ways (which I don't get). Channy's parents were horrible, horrible people. Her sister was as dumb as a box of rocks. I suppose Josh's family was okay, but I got conflicting messages about him. When Channy first goes to school, doesn't she describe his bike as looking some something cobbled together from spare parts? She makes it sound like it probably belongs to a kid with not much money at all. And there are a few other things said later on that allude to this, though there are a lot of things that would point the other way. Then I realized that his parents were divorced and maybe some of the things were coming from his dad, but then they talked about what sounded like a very tricked out media room in his mom's basement. Also, if he's so awesome at riding bikes, why does his bike look so cheaply put together?

In the end, I struggled to finish this one. And *SPOILER* I can't end this review without mentioning the fact that all they had to do to break the Chastity curse was to get married....and that's exactly what they ended up doing in the end, except now Channy's without magic at all. Idiot teenagers.