A review by biancarosesmith
A Place for Sinners by Aaron Dries


3.5 stars. Rounded up to 3 for goodreads.

“Little girls aren’t supposed to get hurt.”

The book opens up with the search for 7 year old Amity Collins. You sense the family’s anguish and desperation as they frantically search for her. From here further tragedy unfolds. It then fast forwards to years later where Amity and her brother are teenagers and travel to Thailand for what they think will be a fun holiday but it soon descends into the shedding of blood.

This book gets brutal and dark really quickly. It’s not for the faint hearted. Aaron’s writing is distinct and I cannot compared it to anything else that I’ve read. I found it rather poetic.

One thing I really loved is the distinct Australian symbols which Aaron weaves through the novel such as the lantana, Eucalyptus and the harsh landscapes. This was a very minor part of the novel as most of it is set in Thailand but I still loved it.

It also keeps you guessing. I can’t say that anything happened in this book that I expected or anticipated.

A couple of minor complaints - I felt the book went off on some weird tangents that weren’t really necessary and also had a large group of characters than weren’t really needed. If anything it seemed to make the narrative more convoluted and took away from the main storyline. It complicated things unnecessarily.

As a whole, a really gripping story of survival horror.