A review by linzic01
The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas, by David Almond


“What if something like a piranha tank appeared in your life? What if somebody like Pancho Pirelli invited you to jump in?
Would you be brave and bold?
Would you face up to your fears?
Would you jump in?
You can’t know the answer, can you? Not really. You can’t know what you’d do until the very moment when you’re standing above the piranha tank and the piranhas are gazing up at you and showing their teeth.
It’s nice to wonder though, isn’t it?”

A heartwarming tale about a boy who- you guessed it!- swims with piranhas! There’s more to it than that though, obviously. There’s fish canning and DAFT envistigators and a hook-a-duck stall and so much more.

Absolute madness, as to be expected from a David Almond book. Fun, utterly daft madness, with cute illustrations and little pearls of wisdom sprinkled throughout. I think my favourite was:

“What is the purpose of living if there are no perils to be encountered and overcome?”

Fun and short and cute, kids I read it to loved it and I myself loved it.