A review by gothicglasses
Head Rush by Carolyn Crane


The end of the series. I have loved the series from beginning to end. I took me about two and a half days to read this series. :P Now on to the fun part.

Justine is let us just say is confused through some of the book. With made me want to strangle her though it was not her fault. I like her the most in this book out of all of the three.

Otto is a funny character for me. In the first book I didn't love or hate him. In the second I hated him soo much. In this one I felt pity and sadness for him. I also felt that he deserved the ending he got.

Packard I... actually... like. there I said it and it nearly killed me. :P He proved himself to me in this one. I might not trust him with my life in real life but I would trust him more now than I did in the other two.

The ending Oh my the ending. My mom hated it. I didn't hate it but I thought it could have been... less
Spoiler Happy bunnies and more darkness and death or something!
I didn't love the ending but I could live with it. :)

Last but not least not at all

Simon let me get this out of the way.... SIMON I LOVE YOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!! *deep breath* I'm better now. :D but anyway Simon I thought was a slightly better person than before. I loved his interaction with Justine. I have not clue as to find and I saw at the very end of the kindle book that there was a book called Simon coming out soon I was sooooo happy I can't wait!