A review by the_travellingmind
The Newcomer by Laura Elizabeth Woollett



It is something between my 2 and 3 stars.

But, I did not like the characters-any of them.

It was a captivating story cause I wanted to know what happen. I really thought the murder would be more in the spotlight so I would not label this a thriller. Also, it was so anticlimactic. Albeit, I did not know the Janelle Patton story.

I was intrigued by the synopsis but so disappointed with the book.

Also, as a person living with Type 1 Diabetes this really, really upset me because this is where misconceptions start and authors should really not ‘joke’ or even use the misconceptions.

“I said Diet!” Paulina told her off. ‘Gawd.’
Bunny smirked. “Dad, can I have Paulina’s Coke, too?”
“No, Bunny.” Rabbit frowned. “That’s how diabetes happens”.

You do not get Diabetes from too much sugar!!!!