A review by tellemonstar
Faerie Winter: Book 2 of the Bones of Faerie Trilogy, by Janni Lee Simner


Full review here

Wow! I just want to say Faerie Winter was kind of intense – in the best kind of way. A really good second novel.

Liza and her friends have survived vicious plants, and stones that can burn you alive but now they have to survive an unnaturally long winter. Not to mention a very bad Faerie.

The writing was again beautiful and the rules the govern magic in Liza’s world were still firmly in place, which can sometimes be a rarity in fantasy. I imagine it’s quite hard to remember every nuance those rules have, but Faerie Winter stuck to the rules set firmly in place in the previous novel. So a big YAY for that.

There were 2 major showdowns in Faerie Winter and they were really good. I was reading it yesterday while I was waiting at the doctors then lost my place, so when I got to the car I thought “Oh, I’ll just find my place and mark it again”. NO. I read four or five pages of the first showdown (because I was up to just before it began) and then realised I should probably drive away. Hence the ‘this was intense’ comment.