A review by holsarmstrong
Temper the Flame by Jade Church


1.5 stars.
So, this book fell into the realm of you have such a pretty cover and a promising blurb but the reality was meh.
I went into this book with little to no expectations having never heard of the author or book before and I somehow feel let down. I think because I am such a fan of fallen angel/angel romance books and I have read so many of them, this book just felt repetitive. It was one of those that never got to the point and we span around in circles when the answer was clearly obvious.
I also found the characters acted young for their age or did cringe-worthy things I can't help but think I didn't even do when I was fourteen, let alone as adults. This book is promoted as a new adult novel but it reads very young adult besides some of the sex.
I also couldn't get on board with the romance. Ivy and Dev were instantly obsessed with each other and kissed not even 20% per cent in the book. I couldn't believe the romance and all Ivy would take about is everyone's physical attributes. Surely she isn't that shallow?
Let's also just say this entire plot with the curse made no sense at all and screamed plot holes.

It's safe to say younger me (much younger) would have probably adored this book but I found too many issues when reading this and if it wasn't for a review, I would have DNF'ed it early on.
I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.