A review by lorilaws
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz


This is the very first book I’ve read by Hannah Moskowitz and it’s certainly not going to be the last. I really had no expectations going into Gone, Gone, Gone. I honestly couldn’t even remember what it was about. The story and the wonderfully unique characters quickly swept me right off my feet.

Gone, Gone, Gone is not a light read exactly, but it’s still a really enjoyable read. The book alternates between Craig and Lio. Both boys are somewhat broken, that’s abundantly clear to you as the reader, but Craig and Lio are aware of it as well. I thought that was a really fascinating element in the story. Oftentimes, characters are unaware of their own issues or just in denial.

I liked Craig and Lio a lot. It was so great to see them start to help each other heal. They were both extremely well written and so believable. Hannah Moskowitz really brought them to life. Their relationship was raw and gorgeously depicted.

Gone, Gone, Gone is intense and heartbreaking, but there’s so much beauty in it. If you’re looking for a contemporary that’s a little different and meaningful, Gone, Gone, Gone is the book for you.