A review by alisonalisonalison
Wandering Star by K.M. Penemue


This was action-packed and a quick, easy read. I wasn't super excited about it, but it was a pleasant way to spend some time. The insta-love romance was not especially satisfying. Zane is allosexual and loves casual sex and Isais is ace and they do not discuss their physical relationship beyond Isais saying that he was ace. They are suddenly very much in love and Zane stops thinking about sex. The end. It was a bit strange. There was no chemistry and no real relationship development. It's kind of implied that Zane will continue his friends-with-benefits arrangement with the captain and they will make a happy triad, but no one actually talks about it, so who really knows? The romance was frustratingly vague, but the plot was exciting and the writing was pretty snappy. This was almost too short to tell the story properly and there's a lot crammed into this little book, and yet, somehow, there's not enough here. A bit *more* would have been good.