A review by bfdbookblog
Guarding Garrett by RJ Scott


Hot hockey player + hot bodyguard is always going to be a win for me! (The cover is perfect for the description of Garrett). This is a quick sweet-ish read. I wish it had been dual POV because I really wanted to be in Jason’s head. I also would have liked it to be a little longer so we could have had more time with them together – maybe even witnessed their first real date! And with the tease of the family Christmas hockey game, how could we not have seen Jason take Garrett home for Christmas and shock his family with a new teammate??

I do like them together. Garrett’s fun-loving, playful personality is the perfect balance to Jason’s intense, serious one. Their attraction was obvious even without knowing what was going on in Jason’s head. He was overly protective of Garrett and more invested than an unbiased, uncaring bodyguard would have been.

Kyle – Garrett’s best friend – has a book in this series (not really a series) and I’m going to read that one next! I love the concept of this series, especially now that we’re not getting to watch my favorite sport!