A review by mymisfortune
The Darkest Kiss by Gena Showalter


Main characters: 2
Actual plot : 4
Spice: 2 (ANNOYING)
Ending: 3

I knew going into this that it was going to be cringe as ****.. why I stalled on reading it for so long. But DAMN.

Anya had the most cringe dialogue. I don’t hate her but PLEASE. Lucien, I was excited to read about him and I even like him but gawd. Their dialogue together annoyed me to no end. I wanted to CLAW my eyes out more than a hand full of times.

These two were just constantly horny for each other to the point that it annoyed the living hell out of me. They couldn’t have a conversation without the mentioning of something sexual. This ruined a lot of the book for me.

I had to convince myself more than once to not DNF this book. Do I regret it? Yeah .

Book 2 was such a disappointment compared to book 1.

Loved Paris though and any other characters that wasn’t Anya and Lucien