A review by beasbooks17
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern


This is a love affair of 'books', Erin Morgenstern is a magician of enchanting words and dream like worlds. Another example of her skill of descriptive writing, is laid bare in The Starless Sea as her ability to set the scene and transport you to her world is shown again and again. if what you are looking for is to be lost among the pages (though truly lost at some points as the story seemed to stray a little too far into descriptive text more than keeping the story moving) then this is the read for you.

I enjoyed the worlds created and as usual was pulled into the honey soaked words that Erin Morgenstern seems to effortlessly lace onto the page. Though if I am honest, the lead characters felt a little flat to me without any depth to hang on to and I was indeed 'lost' on more than one occasion as to what the 'story' was and where it was leading. It felt a lot like wandering through the pages (all be it taking the scenic route!) trying to find my way back at some points.

In saying that, I'd read The Starless Sea again for all the beauty in the scenes and the imagination of Ms Morgenstern which seems to know no bounds.