A review by citizenkahn
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality by Scott Belsky


In this book Belsky offers solid advice on cutting through the truism "creative people can't be organized" and many other myths. Belsky explains how action based organization births ideas into reality and how the creation of tight implementation/test loops allows for tinkering. If many ideas turn out to be duds then increasing the efficiency of the idea launch pad offers a good way to find the gems. He also covers how identify idea thrashing and when to block it. Finally, there's solid advice on working with teams and gaming the nervous aspects of our consciousness to counter self sabotage.

I don't work in a "creative" discipline but we're all designers all the time. Any solution to any problem represents a design of sorts. I face complex problems that require solutions that scale and can be adopted easily by my user community. Taking a design approach and applying lessons from this book seem to offer a good way to involve the larger team to grow and harvest adoptable innovation.

By the way, don't let the Goldman Sax references get you down. Goldman may not have had great ideas of late but they have been very effective at seeing them through (even if we wish they hadn't).

A very worthy read.