A review by bookishwithwine
The Bridge Club by Patricia Sands


My Thoughts

Today is my tour stop!  Thank you Kate Rock Book Tours and Author Patricia Sands for my #copy

I love a book about friends, and this one is no exception.  8 women from all walks of life have come together to form a bridge club.  Now this book is massive at 427 pages so I was hoping that meant we would get background information on each of the ladies...and we do!

The chapters alternate between each woman's SOS.  The SOS is the time in their lives when they needed to lean on the other ladies in the bridge club the most.  Everything from affairs, to relationships, death, disease and everything else under the sun.  The first SOS was in 1972 and goes to the present day.  I thought it was genius how each woman's time of need tied perfectly with the year.  We get to read along to see how the bridge club evolves in their way of thinking, the way they love and more importantly in their friendship with each other.

There is one shocking twist that I didn't see coming, but it showed how powerful the ladies friendship is.  The Epilogue takes place in 2020 and discusses how the club deals with COVID which I thought was very interesting!

If you're looking for a heartfelt read about lasting friendship then look no further.  This one is out now!

Book Rating: 4/5

Wine Pairing:  Shannon Reserve Chardonnay 2016