A review by witandsin
The Chase, by Erin McCarthy


Stock car driver Kendall Holbrook is one hundred percent focused on making it to the top. She can’t afford any distractions, partly because she’s one of the few women in the sport. And Evan Monroe is a BIG distraction. Not only is he a fellow competitor, Evan broke her heart a decade ago. Kendall is determined to avoid him, but when circumstances land them in a co-sponsorship for his-and-hers deodorants, Kendall knows it won’t be long before her heart is at risk of being run over once more. Because Evan seems determined to win her back – and there’s no stock car fast enough for Kendall to speed away from a second chance with her first love.

Erin McCarthy definitely delivers a first for me in The Chase. Never have I finished a romance wondering how long it will be before the hero and heroine get a divorce. Kendall and Evan start out the book victims of a ten year misunderstanding which is almost silly, but forgivable considering the fact that they were teenagers when they first broke each other’s hearts. Unfortunately, once a simple conversation clears the air, they seem to go right back into teenager mode, hormones and attitude and all. The Chase is filled with sex and arguments, but, thankfully it picks up and starts to get better. I grew to like Kendall and Evan and was hopeful The Chase would finish strong.

Boy, was I wrong.

I won’t spoil it for readers who still wish to give The Chase a try, but I will say that Ms. McCarthy throws in a twist that is so ridiculous and unnecessary, you’ll want to throw the book. If the “surprise” weren’t bad enough, Evan’s reaction to it likely will sour you to the story. There simply isn’t a firm enough resolution to the plot thread to redeem The Chase. I finished The Chase wondering if Kendall will only be in Evan’s thoughts so long as a certain other woman isn’t in his line of vision. Not quite the ending that satisfies me as a romance reader.

I’ve loved the fun and sexy Fast Track series, but for me, The Chase is a fiery wreck of a tale. I’ll be giving the next Fast Track book, Slow Ride, a try, in the hopes that Ms. McCarthy features Kendall and Evan heavily. The pair of them could definitely use more page time to convince me they’ll get their happily ever after. If you’re looking for a satisfying, red-hot romance in the world of stock car racing, skip The Chase and read Ms. McCarthy’s other Fast Track books (Flat-Out Sexy, Hard and Fast, and Hot Finish) instead.

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed.