A review by jcpdiesel21
So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson


Very readable, but ultimately lightweight. Ronson presents his material rather loosely, which allows him to easily go off on tangents and avoid truly plumbing the depths of such meaty subject matter. I found myself torn with regard to several of the individuals profiled here; none of them deserved to have their lives completely upended as a result of their actions, but within our current digital age of readily available information and opinions, one must be vigilant about what is put out there for anyone to stumble across, and to ignore this notion is extremely naive. The first half of the book is far more engaging than the second, which drifts away from the central topic in favor of documenting Ronson's antics. I would have liked to learn more about why a double standard exists for shamed women, which Ronson barely touches upon in his attempt to write in a more humorous and breezy manner.