A review by bookbae96
Aced by Ella Frank, Brooke Blaine


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What do you get when you pair a well-known movie star at the top of his game and a sexy male model whose picture literally stops traffic? Well, when it's Ace Locke and Dylan Prescott from ACED by authors Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine, what you get is one sexy as all get-out read that you will not be able to put down.

Holy hotness, Batman, to say that this book is scorching is an understatement. Ella and Brooke have proven that they totally bring it when they put their heads together and write a book, and ACED is truly a testament to their talent.

Ace and Dylan could not be more different. Ace, while no longer hiding the truth of who he is, has still not taken things all the way and allowed himself to live life as freely as he'd like. Dylan, though, is a free spirit. Totally comfortable with who he is, Dylan is happy to just go for the things that he wants and live life to the fullest. When it becomes clear that the two share an attraction that, no lie, leaves a trail of flames in its wake, the trick will be making things work for them as a couple.

Both Ella and Brooke are mistresses of the sexy and erotic read, with plenty of romance thrown in. ACED has all of these things in spades, as well as two main characters that I can't wait to see more of. And, luckily, because these two ladies are also the queens of the cliffhanger, I will, indeed, get to see more of the guys. 5 stars for ACED, a book that had me from the first scene, and didn't let up. If this genre is your thing, you will not want to miss this read. Grab it now, because LOCKED will be here before you know it, and, believe me, you want to be ready. Get it, read it, love it.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***