A review by rlp78
Revealed: The Missing Years by Aleatha Romig


Can I rate this 10 stars?!?! I have to admit I am a Tony lover. I completely understand why many readers are unable to forgive him. In real life I wouldn't be able to forgive him either, but the joy of reading fiction is that the rules don't apply. I can love a character whom in real life I would find repugnant. All that being said, I finished reading Convicted with so many questions. I hated that Courtney filled Claire in about everything that happened in one conversation. So when I heard this book was not only coming out but had turned into a 4th full length book I was super excited. But here is the weird thing. I read the prologue the day the book was released then I stopped. My heart was already in my throat and I wasn't sure I was ready for this. I waited until my reading buddy (and fellow Tony lover) was ready and we dove in together. As soon as I started I couldn't stop. I was sneaking pages on my phone at work. I couldn't help myself. I was surprised at how much I loved this book. I knew I would like it, but it became much more than that. The way the author wove together the mens' points of view with pieces of Meredith's book was brilliant. Pure perfection. This book answered all my questions plus it gave me information I didn't even know I wanted.
One thing I HAVE to mention. Emily. Man I hated Emily in this book. Hated her. But the more I read, the more I had to feel for her. A monster kidnapped her sister. Emily is who I would be in real life. I can't really hate her for not buying into the fantasy because in the book, this was all real and in reality you do what you have to do to protect your family. Even though we knew Claire was with Tony intentionally, her sister just couldn't believe that. So while I wanted to smack the crap out of her when I stepped back I couldn't help but understand where she was coming from.
And finally the epilogue. That beautifully perfect epilogue. Thank you Ms. Romig for that, it was just perfection.
So while I am sad that this series is truly over, I am so glad I went along for the ride. The writing was amazing and the story was so unique. I cannot wait to see what Ms. Romig has in store for us next.