A review by riveraanahiz
Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls by T Kira Madden


I've been recommended this book multiple times over the past few months and then had to read one essay from the book ("The Feels of Love," which is also the title of the first section) for a social justice class I'm taking now and I loved it. So when I was assigned to read this book for my memoir class, I already knew that I was going to love this book. T Kira Madden writes so beautifully about her complicated relationship with her parents and how that affected her other relationships, including her relationships with sex and her sexuality. She uses fragmentation and bookending as well as personal photographs to connect everything in a nonlinear way. I absolutely loved her use of detail because her descriptions are very unique and made me think "how come I didn't come up with that?" My favorite piece definitely has to be the last one, which is a 72 page essay on its own, making up the entire last section of the book. It is filled with crazy unexpected twists - the whole book is - to the point it almost makes you think this can't be real. I am almost upset that I didn't read this sooner. I've already placed an order at Barnes and Noble to buy my own copy as I think it will be great inspiration for my own writing, so I definitely recommend giving this book a read!!!