A review by carolpk
Just What Kind of Mother Are You? by Paula Daly


Your daughter's best friend disappears - she was supposed to be staying overnight at your house - everyone is blaming you including yourself. Lisa, the mother in question, harbors enough guilt for us all and you can certainly understand why.

It’s easy to identify with Lisa, a down to earth, just getting it done, no frills kind of gal. Her husband Joe is a hardworking taxicab driver and as a couple they’re making ends meet. Lisa, more than Joe feels the effects of their less than glamour life when up against friends, Kate and Guy. Kate particularly makes Lisa feel less than worthy, as Lisa sees Kate as an efficient, polished, organized, never a hair out of place kind of woman.

Imagine it again. Lisa’s daughter, Sally’s best friend Lucinda goes missing. Kate’s daughter. Lucinda is supposed to be staying at Lisa’s house. Guilty. Just what kind of mother are you? Read Paula Daly’s secret laden debut to find out.