A review by africreole
Sergei by Roxie Rivera


It all started with a stolen phone!

All he wanted was a normal life. Sergei Sakharov was indebted to Nikolai Kalasnikov for saving his mother and brother and for getting him out of Russia. He wanted more out of life but had to pay back his debt to the Houston Mob Boss for his freedom. It was taking longer than he wanted especially after dealing with an unscrupulous immigration lawyer. Now he was stuck MMA fighting on top of jobs Nikokai had for him to earn more money.

Bianca Bradshaw was a beautiful BBBW who was a successful businesswoman and designer. Being good friends with Vivian, Nikolai's wife made it possible to come into contact with Sergei. It was an instant attraction for both of them but Bianca was insistent about not getting involved with someone working for a crime family with her brother's death on her mind. Sergei knew that Bianca was out of his league but he would not give up. She held up a fight for five months until Vivi conveniently BORROWED her phone sending Sergei as a courier. Things ignited from there. Sergei was determined to do what was necessary to keep Bianca safe and help her with her home, until the reality of his mob affiliation came home to roost, making Bianca's associating with him dangerous.

The love bug bit them both hard. Sergei loved Bianca enough to give her up to keep her safe, but Bianca was not having it. She missed his presence terribly and loved him enough to do what was necessary to keep him in her life and she did.

This is my favorite story written by Rosie Rivera. This unlikely couple of the handsome muscle-bound giant Russian and the thick Black woman goes to show you that the heart wants what the heart wants. Bianca knew that Sergei could have any woman he wanted and could not understand why he wanted her. Sergei knew that Bianca deserved better than him, but once she let him in her life after five months, there was not stopping their love. It ignited into a life of its own, so very strong and so very hot. Even the antics of exes did not put a damper on their love. Sergei is my kind of man, he knows what he wants and goes after it and makes no qualms about how he goes about saying and showing it. That mouth of his.....WOW!

It's is a welcomed change to read stories located in Houston instead of New York, California or Chicago.