A review by miffybooks
Wild Milk by Sabrina Orah Mark


oh my god!! every so often i find pieces of art that makes me feel so happy in ways that i find impossible to articulate. this book belongs in that very small list of special art. every story is written with such nonsencial, absurd images that are delivered with such an assured tone that its so easy to just go along with it all, even when it makes no real sense. theres such a love for the simple way words sound in a sentence together that brings out the humor and poignancy in this book. recently, ive been thinking a lot about art that unapologetically wont explain itself and i think theres a lot of power in the author choosing to hold meaning just for themselves

sure there are a few misses, and one story that felt a little triggering for me (youll know the one) but im still giving thsi 5 stars. beautiful beautiful book, benny should read this.