A review by beledit
Dog Blood by David Moody


As good as book 1 in the trilogy. Couldn't put it down. Finished it in less than a day and immediately downloaded book 3.

This series is even better than the Autumn series. Reading Moody's books is like eating hot, buttered toast. You know it's crap, and contains no nourishment whatsoever, but you just can't stop. He builds a coherent world with well-defined characters and paces the story so as to keep you on the edge of your seat. Reading this series reminds me of Dexter - you find yourself rooting for the bad guy, and that makes you feel simultaneously excited, uncomfortable and rather ashamed of yourself. Yep, like with the toast.

Recommended for fans of the post-apocalyptic genre, especially the more gritty and realistic stories set in the UK.

Now please let me get back to book 3, Them or Us.