A review by meekoh
Existential Physics: A Scientist's Guide to Life's Biggest Questions by Sabine Hossenfelder


Hossenfelder is a say-it-with-your-whole-chest type of scientist. Equal opportunity for religious and atheist readers alike to be offended. She has no qualms about equating concepts like the multiverse to "religion masquerading as science under the guise of mathematics". She even manages to throw shade at Hawkins before finishing up.
The quick summary is Hossenfelder's going to war against all theories that cannot be supported by empirical evidence. She doesn't care about the mathematical universe or alternate probability distributions. In her opinion, if we cannot observe the data points, then there is no scientific requirement to explain them. (Ironically made me want to expand my reading on said topics.)
Overall, an enjoyable read. I'm always appreciative of sass. I liked that the chapters were interspersed with contradicting scientific opinions. Always good to get both sides of the coin.