A review by staceyinthesticks
Sweet Little Lies by Carrie Elks


The 3rd book in Elks' Angel Sands series, and this time with Brooke at the forefront.

I love that this one focuses on real life issues that many people deal with every day, a single parent juggling many plates - studying for a better future, holding down a job, and single handedly bringing up a child.

Everything from the past comes flooding back when Brooke's ex-boyfriend Aiden returns though, heading up the redevelopment of the Silver Sands Resort (that we've heard about previously) and Brooke faces a difficult decision.

As with any of Elks' books, it's a bumpy road for a while and you sort of want to bang the characters heads together! I didn't figure out the little twist until it was pretty much revealed either.

Once again, we still get to hear from the other characters in Brooke's circle, and Angel Sands in general. I absolutely adore this little small town series, it's certainly turned out to be one of my favourites.