A review by bookwifereviews
Blood Type by K.A. Linde


I wanted to love this book.. I love everything Linde writes but this one just did not work for me. There were a few things that just bothered me. One, I can't stand when a male calls a female little one. My grandpa calls me little one.. so that just freaks me out. Two, I did not like Reyna. I think she was brave for stepping up and doing something that terrified her so she could take care of her family. That is fantastic. But I HATED how she kept throwing herself at Becks. It was embarrassing. Becks straight up told her he was seeing someone else and Reyna thought it was totally fine to be like NO you want me! She just rubbed me the wrong way.

Now there are things that I really did love about the book. I loved the world building and I loved the society. I think it was interesting and very well written. I want to know what happens next. I really do. I hope Reyna grows up a bit though.. and I hope Becks can keep being honest.

I received a copy of this book from the author.