A review by hadeanstars
Goethe's Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


You can only review this sort of literature on two distinct levels. First it is a classic, and a high-calibre one at that, second, it is not easy or particularly flowing in style. It's old-fasioned and a little like opera (which was probably von Goethe's audince anyway) so all the messages are repeated ad infinitum, and too it's written in verse, so one would not expect this to read easily or especially engagingly.

I enjoyed book one much more than the majority of book two which made a strange juxtaposition of medieval theocracy with classical paganism. The devil was certainly out of his depth, but the concepts did not fit together very well for me. The first book was a delight by comparison, so much more human and relatable (inasmuch as anyone can relate to making a pact with the devil).

Still, it's great, in the true sense of the word, and even if there are long sections which are hard work, you cannot fail to appreciate just how epic this work is. Worth the time.