A review by pbanditp
Mucho Mojo: A Hap and Leonard Novel (2) by Joe R. Lansdale


Leonard’s uncle as passed on and left his house and belongings to Leonard. The house happen to be located next to a crack house and the two friends make some enemies right out of the gates. Then they find the kiddie porn and something else a bit more disturbing in Leonard’s new house. The boys have some investigating to do in order to clear Uncle Chester’s name. Yes, the guy with child pornography in his house was named Chester. In case you weren’t aware, Leonard is a colored openly gay man, and Hap is a while redneck and they are the best of friends.
This was such a fun book, I laughed loudly several times. Mucho Mojo is a perfect action, comedy, social justice book that shows what great friends will do for each other.